Two years Ago today
One year ago
Since Scott was not going to be home today we had a little party for Ellie last night. We sang Happy Birthday and then she blew out her candles or more approproately stated spit them out.
When she was done blowing out the candles I walked away to get a knife, Scott continued to take pictures, while Ellie acted like a cat meowing and licking her cake. The guests were so impressed.
I cried when I looked at this. I can't believe she is 2. Where has the time gone. She is such a little doll. I must have been blue last night because I pulled out all the old pictures and was going through them. It is amazing to me how much Ellie looks like you. So many times I forgot I was looking at you and not Ellie (that's old age). I'll have to bring some along next time I'm there. Kiss those babies for me and tell them their Nana loves them very much. Your mama loves you very much too.
We thought of our precious Ellie yesterday as we were going to Frnakfort Indiana to pick up Grandmas from teaching and then flying back home to Florida. Annette was telling Ben and Jocelyn that it was Ellie's birthday. It looks like she had a REAL good time. Those picutes you sent were so special. What a doll!! Grandma wants to come and eat some of that popcorm with them!!! I promise not to sneak any out of Ellie's bowl! Happy Birthday my special 'big' girl!!! We got home last night (or this morning at 1:00 am. - didn't think I should call her then!
I reminded Pappy Steve yesterday that we had to call Ellie and then he worked outside until he reached exhaustion. By then, I forgot to make the call, and he went to bed. We didn't forget, we just forgot to remember to call! Anyway, give Ellie lots of kisses from us and tell her (and, of course, Jackson ... give him lots of kisses too), how much we love them and can't wait to see them. And, it will be ok if you come with them cause we can't wait to see you too! Love and Kisses.
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