Sunday, January 4, 2009

Snow Day

A snow day - in Alabama - yeah right!!! Today is January 3rd and it was 71 degrees yesterday and very warm again today. This is not a problem for me, but for Ellie this is a big disappointment. Ellie's Christmas wish was to see snow. I thought that we might have some success while in Gatlinburg, but it was 70 there too. So, New Years day, while the kids were napping, I decided that I would create a winter wonderland of my own. I hung cut out snowflakes from the ceiling and covered the living room floor with snowballs (well, actually they were marshmallows). When they woke up from nap they were so surprised. We put on our hats and sweatshirts and had a snowball fight. Jackson especially enjoyed eating the snowballs.

Then we headed over to the table to make a package of fake snow (bought while we were in Gatlinburg). They wrote their names and drew pictures in the "snow". We even built miniature snowmen using marshmallow and toothpics.

Next, we did a little sledding

This is by far the most fun in snow I've ever had.


Emily Hopeman said...

Oh my gosh this was such a cute idea! Glad to see everyone had fun!

Nana said...

I have to agree with Emily, this is an awesome idea. You are so very creative. The pictures look like it would have been so much fun.

Heather said...

You are such an awesome mom. You are so creative! I'm gonna have to remember all these ideas when I have little ones!

Lynne Howard said...

Wow, Amber that looks awesome! Great idea!