Sunday, March 1, 2009

Snow In AL

This morning Jackson woke up at 6:30AM. As I walked to his room, I noticed that there was something white on the front lawn. As a youth pastor's wife, my first instinct was to assume that our yard had been rolled again. But when I looked more closely, I realized that it had actually snowed in AL. I picked Jackson up and told him it was snowing. He instinctively began to call out Ellie's name. I went into Ellie's room, touched her cheek and said "Ellie it's snowing". She jumped up and ran to the front door to peer out. Jackson said "Ellie it's real". We got dressed and went outside. Ellie loved playing in the snow. Jackson however preferred standing inside in the warmth and watching Ellie and I throw snowballs at the window.

Ellie had been praying for snow since Christmas. So I was really happy that she finally got her wish.


Nana said...

I am so glad Ellie's pray was answered. I love the snowman. The pictures are great. How precious these babies are to have no idea. I love you all so much. XO

Grandma Rhonda said...

I am soooo excited for them. We texted Scott yesterday to see if you were getting snow, so Ellie would have her prayers ansered, but we did not hear back from him. Hooray, they did get to see it and play in it. Unfortunately, she is a good little prayer, because we got it too!! She does not have to pray that hard next time.