One morning while getting ready for school, I told Ellie to take her PJ's to the laundry. She looked at me and began to cry saying "I just new you were going to tell me to do my chores and I don't want to." I told her that I don't want to do my chores and went on to list all the things that I do on a daily basis. When I finished I looked down into her little eyes. Her expression had totally changed and she said "well, I never knew you felt like that."
Also last Wednesday, when I was getting Ellie out of the shower she coughed and asked me if she had the swine flu. I asked where she had heard that and she replied "you say it all the time."
Prayer time at the Moore's house is always entertaining when it's Jackson's turn. One night Jackson prayed "God our Father please help Mommy go to the grocery and get me Sprite."
Jackson started soccer a couple of weeks ago. We took him with us to the meeting and on the way home I was explaining to him how things would work. He got really upset when he realized that we were leaving and he was not going to get to play that night. He kept crying "I want to play soccer. I'm a soccer player," Once he calmed down I told him that his team was the Cheetahs. He then began to chant "I'm a cheater, oh yeah I'm a cheater."
Oh Amber, how cute they are. Such precious things they say. You think you will never forget but somehow those things will fade. What does happen is that with each little comment they are tied to your heart tighter and tighter. We have got to make this stuff into a book, page by page, so none of us ever forgets. I love you so very much. XO
What precious grandkids you and Scott have given to us to enjoy. What fun things they say!! Thank you for allowing us to get a chuckle or an awwwww moment with you, through your writings and pictures. Give them a hug for me. And I agree with your Mom - a book for us in our forgetful years - would be WONDERFUL!!!
That totally made me laugh!!! I love the adorable things kids say!
ha ha ha The prayer for SPRITE is too cute! Those kids are hilarious!
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