Sunday, November 9, 2008

Two Is Better Than One

I still remember sitting in the rocker reading my two month old baby girl a book. I remember this for two reasons...1) because we were suppose to take her to the zoo for the first time the next day and 2) because we never made it to the zoo. You see as I rocked her I had this fear...I feared that I was pregnant. I was sure that it was nothing. So the next morning when I went to get groceries I picked up a pregnancy test. I thought that I would just take the test, it would be negative, and we would have a wonderful day at the zoo. Well, that's not the ending to this story.

This morning Jackson woke up calling for his sister, because she always goes to get him in the mornings. Ellie wasn't even awake yet but when she heard her brother she called back "I'm coming honey." As she sleepily stumbled into his room rubbing her eyes, she said "Here I am buddy."

He looks to her for so many things and she leads him with such love. Of course having a two and three year old lends itself to many fights in our household. People often ask me if I like having my kids close together and I don't even hesitate to answer with a YES!!! I feel blessed that they have someone to share lifes journey with. This was not our plan to have two children only eleven months apart, but I thank God that he knows more than I.


Nana said...

These are such precious little faces. I remember very well the day you told me you thought you were pregnant again. I was so excited. I know how much joy, love and laughing you and your brother bring me. I wanted all those wonderful things for you too. It looks like you got them. I'm so glad you see them that way too. XO

Nana said...

Hello, my name is Nana and I have been a Moore Family Blog Spot adict since its beginning. I have to go to it every day at least once and sometimes as many as 3. I'm not ashamed to confess this. I can't go very long without it.

Nana said...

I just noticed something this morning as I looked into the eyes of these precious babies.....again. Ellie has a sweetness that show in her eyes and Jack's eyes have that adorable mischievous grin in them. It was just like looking at pictures of you and your brother. Kiss them for Poppy and I and tell them we love them. We sure love you and Scott too. Can't wait to kiss the 4 of you ourselves. XO